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A Dashh Of Luxury With Every Stay!

Fireplace in Livingroom


Dashh Properties, where we provide professional services for landlords and a hands free management. Also specialising in Multi-Unit Residential projects, catering to investors looking to diversify their portfolios and maximise their potential returns.

About Us

Welcome to Dashh Properties, Property Investment company based in London! With extensive experience and specialist knowledge of the London region, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional opportunities for investors.


At Dashh Properties, we cover all areas in the UK, ensuring that our clients have access to a wide range of investment options. Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of the local property market, enabling us to identify lucrative investment opportunities that yield impressive returns.


Our services include a range of investment options, such as R2SA (Rent-to-Service Accommodation) projects, designed to provide investors with a steady stream of rental income. Furthermore, we specialise in Multi-Unit Residential projects, catering to investors looking to diversify their portfolios and maximise their potential returns and find the top quality B.R.R. (Buy, Refurbish, Refinance) deals.

Pink Bath Tub

Why Choose Us

At Dashh Properties we offer comfortable and safe places to stay – which we feel everyone should have and is what we provide in our properties.


We aim to deliver beautiful rooms for professionals who value stylish living. Places that you’re keen to get back to, where you can come in, close the door, kick off your shoes and feel happy to be home. Our team are made of dedicated individuals who will ensure that your home is beautifully managed and any issues are swiftly resolved.

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